Friday, June 29, 2007

Sorry (Summer plans)

I apologize for the dearth of posts. I really do want to blog but other things seem to get in the way. Once the school year ended at Covenant Christian School things didn't slow down much at all. I've been working on next year already, planning, reading, meeting new families, and reviewing curriculum.

I enjoyed going to Southern Illinois to spend some time fishing and golfing with two old seminary buddies. I caught a 13 pound catfish and a 3 pound bass as well as some other minor fish; can't say the golf was as productive.

We all went down to Tampa to celebrate my sister's wedding and we look forward to going camping at the end of July in western NC at Camp Davidson.

The garden is growing nicely; we eat our first tomatoes tonight and have enjoyed our basil by making pesto many times already.

I read Marilyn Robinson's Gilead and enjoyed it a whole lot. Currently I'm rereading Till We have Faces by Lewis and I plan on reading The Bronze Bow since a lot of my students read that in the grammar school. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell was also a page turner. Can't wait for the last Harry Potter book to come out.

I decided to teach Greek to my girls this summer. So I picked up the curriculum, Hey, Andrew, Teach me some Greek! They are such eager learners. The other morning I knew that we could not have our fun lesson in the afternoon so I had told them the day before that we would do it in the morning. As I ate breakfast they marched in with big smiles and went straight to den where they set up their notebooks. I try to make it fun for them. The other day I didn't give them a test but an "expresso yourself," which was basically an exam followed by a homemade coffee shake. Learning was never so tasty.


Blogger Unknown said...

Cool on the Greek. I'll have to look that up. I've been doing some devotional reading in John in Greek. My eldest is expressing interest, but it's hard to know how to guide it at times. Then theres the whole usable, Latin based language first, then classics argument. Not sure I cotton to it much.

What coffee did you use for the girls?


6:32 AM  
Blogger T. Chris said...


I used an decaf espresso from Wal-Mart. Sorry, I know, not very fancy but pretty easy. Since I was mixing it with chocolate ice cream, Giradellis chocolate syrup, and milk I didn't figure it would matter.

Since my girls are going to be taking Latin in school I figured I start some Greek now. They were pretty excited about it so I thought, why not start now?


7:04 AM  

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